Bohemian waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus) are a rare and exceptionally beautiful winter migrant bird.
- The original painting is now sold, sorry!
- Digital file for you to make a print at a format and size of your choice
The collective noun for a group of Bohemian waxwings is 'a museum', hence the title of this painting. A rather good collective noun, I think, as I just want to keep looking at them. Did you see any last winter?
Waxwings fly across the North Sea in the late autumn to escape the horrid weather in Scandinavia, and to feast upon our berry crop. Winter 2023/24 saw a waxwing irruption in the UK - meaning it was an exceptionally good year for waxwings, and I was lucky enough to see them three times.
To illustrate the birds on my painting, I used my husband's photos as reference material.